mennessä admin | loka 16, 2019
We felt in love with Sparkman & Stephens’s design while sailing our Swan 38-001. We made a deal from our second Swan, Céleste II, in October 2019.
Céleste II is a Swan 57 ketch and a hull number 013. She has an extended transom and the overall length is 59 feet. As far as I know, she was sold first to France, and after that, she has sailed under the UK, German, Finnish and Swedish flags.
Roughly ten years ago, she had a major refit. In the process, teak decks were replaced, hull and masts painted, and the interior was fully varnished, engine changed, etc. The previous owner has kept maintaining the excellent condition. We are happy to be custodians of this beautiful yacht.

mennessä admin | helmi 9, 2019
S/y Shaula on valmistunut vuonna 1971 runkonumerolla 23. Se on myyty Hollantiin samana vuonna, tiettävästi Easy Rider -nimisenä. Hollannissa sen kotisatama oli Rotterdamissa, omistajanaan J.C.W van Dam. Samalla veneen nimi muuttui Shaulaksi.
Shaula kilpaili aktiivisesti ns. sisäjärvillä vuosia. Sitä kunnostettiin 44:n Hollannin vuoden aikana runsaasti, mm. Perkins 36 hp on vuodelta 1993. Vuonna 1996 Shaula sai toisen omistajansa, joka uudisti mittaristot, lieden, asensi vesivaraajan ja kylmäkoneiston. Myös veneen vesijärjestelmä uusittiin perusteellisesti. Vuonna 2003 Shaula sai uuden teak -kannen ja elektroniikkaa. Myös kyljet uusittiin 2003. Vinssit ovat samoin vaihdettu uusiin. Vuonna 2009 pohja sai epoksiprimer -käsittelyn. Purjeita oli 16 kpl, joista neljä oli spinnuja…
Vene ostettiin vuonna 2015 Suomeen ja se samana vuonna purjehdittiin Paraisille. Veneeseen on täällä mm. asennettu septitankki, webasto ja teetetty uusi moottorikoppa. Samoin kaikki puupinnat on kunnostettu. Myyntiin vene päätyi täällä, koska vene tuli Suomeen moottoriveneen vaihtokaupassa; uusi omistaja ei ollut purjehtija.
Me ostimme Shaulan loppukesällä 2018 ja se siirtyi Paraisilta kotisatamaansa Helsinkiin, Helsingfors Sägelssällskap HSS:lle syksyllä 2018. Talven aikana veneen elektroniikkaa päivitetään, samoin patjojen verhoilut.
S/y Shaula is built in 1971 (hull number 23). It has been sold to the Netherlands in the same year as far as is known called as Easy Rider. Hers home port was Rotterdam in Netherland and the owner was J.C.W. van Dam. At the same time, the boat has a name changed to Shaula.
Shaula has been raced actively in the ”inner lakes” of Netherlands. In the past 44 years that the boat was in Netherlands is has been continuously improved and repaired, for example, the new Perkins (36 hp) fitted in 1993. In 1996 Shaula got her second owner. New owner renewed navigation instruments and cooker. He also installed a water heater and a cooling unit. He also renewed the fresh water system completely. In 2003 Shaula got a new teak deck and some electronics. Also, the top-sides were painted. Winches have been replaced to new ones. In 2009 her bottom got an epoxy barrier coat treatment. She had 16 sails, four of them were spinnakers.
The third owner bought the boat in 2015 and sailed her to Parainen, Finland. During this ownership, she got a holding tank, heater (Webasto) and a new cover for the motor. Also, the interior was varnished. The boat was placed on sale in summer 2018 since the owner wasn’t a sailor and boat was a part of an exchange in a motorboat deal.
We bought the boat in 2018. Her current home port is Helsingfors Sägelsällskap (HSS). During the winter 2018-2019 the electronics and upholstery is updated.
mennessä admin | tammi 14, 2019

S/Y Cecille, Swan 36, hull number 078, delivered from Nautor on June 4th, 1970.
Cecille was originally built for an Irish sailor in Cork. After he passed away, his son sold it to two sailors from England in 2005. After moving to Birdham Pool, near Chichester, Cecille went through a thorough refit, including treating hull for osmosis, new teak deck, engine, rigging, winches, etc etc. In England Cecille was used for cruising and racing, participating also in a few RORC races and Swan regattas.
Cecille was bought by her current owner in late 2017 and she was sailed from Portsmouth to NJK in Helsinki in May 2018.

mennessä admin | joulu 9, 2018
mennessä admin | joulu 9, 2018
The history of Swan 47/066 ”Tiger Lily”, ex. ”Alicadoo” (British flag), ex. ”Seaway Lady” (Swedish flag). Tiger Lily was launched in June 1982. She started her life under the Swedish flag and with the name Seaway Lady, homeport Gothenburg. She was sold already in November 1982 to an owner from Northern Ireland and had to change her name because the name Seaway Lady could not be registered under her new flag. Her new name became Alicadoo.
Between 1983 and 1989 Alicadoo did 6 transatlantic trips with Peter ”Stokey” Woodall as skipper. Her homeport was Vilamoura in Portugal. Alicadoo did also make several trips to the Azores from her homeport. On one of these trips, she became ”famous” as she was part of the filming of the RYA Yachtmaster video nr. 3.
In August 1989 Alicadoo was bought by me. Our first sail together was from Vilamoura to Southampton, UK. It was late October so we started a life together with very rough weather. We arrived in Southampton under the Finnish flag and the new name of Tiger Lily. The flag and name were changed outside Cabo Finisterre in a force 10 storm.
During the years I have owned Tiger Lily I have made 6 transatlantic trips from Europe to the Caribbean. One of these was the cruise to celebrate Columbus 500 years since the discovery of the Americas. I have also visited Horta, Azores 4 times. Today, even with more than 130.000 nm on her log, Tiger Lily is in better shape than new after a big refit in 2008-2011.