Jaka, Swan 41

Infant, Swan 38
S/y Infant, Nautor’s Swan 38/014, was launched in June 1974. At the time, her name was ”Heide” and she was carried to Bodensee, Germany. After five years, she got her second owner, another German gentleman, who renamed her Infant.
Infant sailed the fresh waters of Lake Bodensee for three decades, mainly serving as a daysailer, as her skipper preferred to sleep in his villa on the lakeshore. The Infant had the guest flags for Switzerland and Austria. She was a regular participant of the annual “Rund um den Bodensee” -regatta.
We found the Infant in 2004. A Finnish grp boat repair expert inspected her at Bodensee at the end of October and found her very healthy. On the last week of 2004, she was carried to Helsinki. Next spring the boat experienced meticulous cleaning, both inside and outside. Ever since Infant has been the object of constant care. Nothing large or heavy, but small, practical things concerning navigation instruments, genoa winches, water and heating, propulsion, electricity and so on. We have decided to keep the Infant as original as possible.
On the Baltic Sea, we have mainly sailed in the beautiful archipelagos of Finland and Sweden. We love the Åland Islands in the Finnish Archipelago Sea, as well as the Swedish Roslagen. Besides of this family cruising, we have done some family racing participating in Nautor’s Swan Anniversary Regattas and Club Swan Sweden Archipelago Regattas. In 2016, Infant was lucky enough to win her class in Nautor’s Swan 50th Anniversary Regatta Turku.

Grey Lady, Swan 38

Eleanor, Swan 43
Swan 43, runkonumero 014, valmistui Pietarsaaressa kesäkaudella 1969. Valmistajan plakaattiin on Lloydsin tarkistuspäivämäärä stanssattu 21 heinäkuuta 1969. Vene valmistettiin alun perin kuuluisalle itävaltalaiselle kapellimestari Herbert von Karajanille. Von Karajanin veneet nimettiin hänen perheenjäsentensä nimien ensimmäisten kirjainten mukaisesti; (H)erbert, (El)iette, (Is)abel ja (Ara)bel. Koska Swan 43 oli toinen näin nimetyistä veneistä, sen alkuperäinen nimi oli HELISARA II. Kotisatamana oli Ranskan Saint-Tropez aina vuoteen 1995 asti, tosin omistaja ja veneen nimi ehti todennäköisesti vaihtua muutamaankin kertaan.
Vuonna 1995 vene ostettiin Englantiin ja samana vuonna toteutettiin ensimmäinen kattavampi kunnostus. Sisustusta sekä runkoa kunnostettiin, mm. lisäämällä vedenalaiseen runkoon muutama lisäkerros epoxilaminaattia. Merkittävä kunnostus tehtiin myös vuonna 2006, jolloin runko maalattiin, masto ja riki kunnostettiin sekä asennettiin uusi tiikkikansi.
Vuonna 2011 vene siirtyi nykyiselle omistajalle ja se purjehdittiin samana kesänä Englannista uusille kotivesille, Suomen saaristomerelle. Samalla vene sai nykyisen nimensä ELEANOR. Venettä on kunnostettu viimevuosina kattavasti, hyväksikäyttäen nykyajan tekniikan tuomat mahdollisuudet, mutta kunnioittaen myös alkuperäistä S&S suunnittelua ja muotoilua sekä Pietarsaaren veneenrakentajien ammattitaitoa. Eleanor on viidenkymmenen vuoden ikäisenä elämänsä kunnossa ja aina valmiina etenkin kunnon kryssille.
Nautor`s Swan 43/014 was launched at summer of `69 and Lloyds Register approval date was stamped to the builder`s plaque 21st July 1969. Her first owner was the famous Austrian conductor Herbert von Karajan. To name his yachts von Karajan used an acronym of his family members first names; (H)erbert, (El)iette, (Is)abel and (Ara)bel. As a second of all Karajan`s yachts bearing that name, she was HELISARA II. Up until 1995, her home port was Saint-Tropez (France), although by that time she had had a few more owners and names.
At 1995 she was bought and transferred to the United Kingdom. During that time first, notable upgrading was also carried out. Parts of the interior was refurbished and the hull was strengthened with new layers of GRP with epoxy resin. Next major restoration year 2006 included painting the hull, reconditioning the mast and rigging and laying a new teak deck.
At the beginning of 2011 she was purchased by her current owner and during summer that year sailed through the North Sea to her new home waters at Finnish Archipelago Sea. At that time she also got her current name, ELEANOR. Through recent years she has been further upgraded, using the possibilities of modern marine technology but also respecting the original design and style of a classic S&S yacht. At age of fifty s/y Eleanor is at her best and as eager to beat against the wind as ever.